The National Library of the Republic of Moldova organized a festive event on December 10, 2024, to celebrate the results of the 7th edition of the National Reading Program LecturaCentral 2024.
Mrs. Elena Pintiliei, the General Director of the National Library of the Republic of Moldova, highlighted the role and impact of the program on local communities. The invited guest, Paula Erizanu, a writer and journalist, emphasized the importance of reading in the development of one’s personality. She shared insights about the books that shaped her worldview and influenced some of her major life decisions.
During the event, awards were presented to the winners of the national competitions within the National Program LecturaCentral:
Mrs. Elena Pintiliei, General Director of the National Library of the Republic of Moldova, mentioned that this year’s LecturaCentral National Program ran from February to December, with the theme “Promoting European Values through Reading”.
“The National Library of the Republic of Moldova coordinated and organized activities directly engaging users, such as the 25 Writers/25 Meetings and September – No Day without Reading campaigns. These initiatives aimed to promote the national literary heritage and European values through reading services offered by libraries across the Republic of Moldova. Another key objective, focused on strengthening the social dimension of reading for the development of information culture and the lifelong professional training of community members, was achieved through the organization of public lessons. These lessons involved experts from various fields and were centered on the learning of European values”, said Elena Pintiliei.
To stimulate interest in reading among community members, five national competitions were organized as part of the LecturaCentral Program. These competitions were held in two stages: district/municipal and national levels, as specified by Elena Pintiliei.
According to the Deputy Director of the institution, Mrs. Vera Osoianu, the national competitions within the LecturaCentral Program are held annually and are supported by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Moldova, in collaboration with the National Commission of the Republic of Moldova for UNESCO. The national stage of the competition gathered 23 district library centers, with a total of 96 contest submissions.
The 7th edition of the National LecturaCentral Program was attended by the winners of the aforementioned competitions, librarians, and other individuals involved in promoting books and reading.
The next edition of the National LecturaCentral Program will focus on media and information literacy within the community.
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