24th September 2024

Royal Library of Belgium: KBR’s BelgicaPress portal now includes newspapers from Belgium’s German-speaking community

The portal BelgicaPress was launched in 2016 and currently gives access to 136 digitized Belgian newspapers from a wide variety of geographic and ideological backgrounds, most of which appeared daily (1814-1987). Thanks to the OCR (Optical Character Recognition) process, a full-text search in more than 4 million pages is possible. From now on and thanks to a partnership with the Zentrum für Ostbelgische Geschichte (ZOG), the portal has a dedicated landing page in German and offers over 171,000 pages across 14 East Belgian newspapers in German and French – and counting. This partnership paves the way to further external contents included on KBR’s platforms. See more on https://www.belgicapress.be/?lang=EN (Remote access to the entire digitised corpus – without any restrictions – is only possible for scientific research or illustration for teaching with a KBR account.)

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