29th September 2023

Network Group “AI in Libraries” Webinars Fall/Winter 2023/24

In November and December 2023 and January 2024, the CENL “AI in Libraries” Network Group will host webinars on various uses of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in national libraries.

The online events last approximately 45 minutes each.

For more information please see below and/or contact Jean-Philippe Moreux from the National Library of France, the chair of the group at jean-philippe.moreux@bnf.fr.


ChatGPT in an information retrieval context

Yves Maurer (NLL)

Photo of Yves MaurerInteracting with chatbots has become familiar to many of us recently and their usage in a library context seems promising. This project shows how the national library of Luxembourg has indexed its whole digitized newspaper collection in a vector database for semantic search and uses that to give context information to chatGPT when it tries to answer the user’s questions. As the multilingual aspect is a very prominent part of the collection, with articles in French, German, Luxembourgish, English and other languages, the queries are translated so that the semantic search works across language barriers. The presentation will cover the basic technology, the integration and demo the live system.

Wednesday 8 November 2023

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Machine-based subject cataloguing

Maximilian Kähler (DNB)

With an average annual publication volume of 1.5 Million Online Publications collected by the German National Library (DNB), automatic subject indexing has long paved its way into production processes at DNB. However, given the extreme size and heterogeneity of the Integrated Authority File (GND) as our target vocabulary, automatic subject indexing still remains a deeply challenging problem. In a three year project the DNB is now investigating how latest progress and innovation in the fields of natural language processing and machine learning can help to improve the quality of automatic indexing at DNB. In this talk we will introduce how Extreme Multi Label Learning is the right mind-set for automatic subject indexing at scale and the various angles that we approach to improve quality of our subject indexing results.

Thursday 30 November 2023

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Identification of duplicates in radio and TV archives

Bjarne Andersen (Royal Danish Library)

Bjarne AndersenAt the Royal Danish Library we have a very large radio/TV archive with millions of hours and millions of programs from a broad range of radio and television channels. This archive consists of many many duplicates because most of the ingest is made from 24/7 recordings of a number of channels. For our users this gives quite some noise when searching for specific programs in our online platform.

We have been experimenting with different algorithms using both metadata and audio data to try to identify these duplicates. Specifically we have been experimenting with doc2vec, chromaprint and decisionTree algorithms.

Monday 11 December 2023

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Power Automate flow with Microsoft AI Builder

Hannes Lowagie  (KBR —  Bibliothèque royale de Belgique)

This presentation will discuss the development and the first tests of a Power Automate flow with Microsoft AI Builder. This flow aims to address the challenges that cataloguers face in describing the ever-increasing amount of (digital) resources. It proposes an innovative solution for automating the bibliographic description process, which includes metadata recognition, automatic subject indexing, and linking with other databases. The impact of this tool on cataloguers’ tasks and professional practices will also be explored.

Wednesday 17 January 2024 
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