
Nasjonalbiblioteket / National Library of Norway

How to find us

Visitor address – Oslo: Henrik Ibsens gate 110, Oslo.

Visitor address – Mo i Rana: Finsetveien 2, Mo i Rana.


+47 23 27 60 00



Mr. Aslak Sira Myhre


Holger Sinding Larsen

Year founded

The National Library was established in 1989. Prior to this legal deposit of printed material was taken care of by The University Library at The University of Oslo.

The National Library is the Nation´s shared memory. The legal deposit act mandates the National Library to collect, index, preserve and give access to all published content from all media including the Norwegian domain on the Internet. The National Library also hosts The Norwegian language bank and act as the government´s central authority for Public Library Development.

Library news

Annual reports