
Liechtensteinische Landesbibliothek / National Library of Liechtenstein

How to find us

Gerberweg 5

LI-9490 Vaduz


+ 423 236 63 63



Daniel Quaderer

Year founded


The Liechtensteinische Landesbibliothek, established as a foundation under public law in 1961, is the National Library of the Principality of Liechtenstein and as such, its legislative mandate is to collect all publications originating in Liechtenstein, authored by citizens of Liechtenstein, or dealing with Liechtenstein as a subject matter.

© National Library of Liechtenstein

The Landesbibliothek is also a research library supporting researchers, students, and other scholars in their knowledge work. It serves not only as a hub for international inter library lending, but also as a provider of workspace and infrastructure as well as academic media, databases, etc.

It is also the largest public library in Liechtenstein and the surrounding Rhine Valley region and as such makes an important contribution to Liechtenstein as a centre of knowledge as well as to reading culture and knowledge work in general.


The Liechtenstein National Library opens the Liechtenstein Literary Archives

The new collection of estates of Liechtenstein authors aims to preserve, index and make accessible documents that can contribute to an understanding of the authors’ works and their time. The collection thus functions as a Liechtenstein literary archive.

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