
Eesti Rahvusraamatukogu / National Library of Estonia

How to find us

Narva mnt 11
Tallinn 15015


+372 630 7100



Martin Öövel


Raine Karp

Year founded


National Library of Estonia (RaRa) is a legal person governed by public law that was established in 1918 and operates on the basis of the National Library of Estonia Act, other legislation and the library’s articles of association. Its highest governing body is the Board which is appointed by the Riigikogu (Parliament).
RaRa is open to everyone. It is also a competence and development centre for the Estonian library network – develops nationwide e-services, offers vocational and continuing education, collects statistics on Estonian libraries and printed publications, acts as the national agency for international standard numbers, is responsible for professional standardisation and terminology, coordinates the collection of legal deposit copies, acts as a conservation and preservation competence centre for print heritage.

© National Library of Estonia

As a research library, RaRa specialises in the humanities and social sciences.
As a parliamentary library, RaRa serves the Riigikogu, the Government, and ministries.
After the merger of the Estonian Repository Library and the Estonian Library for the Blind with the National Library in 2023, RaRa also serves these user groups.


The world’s biggest game development marathon held in Tallinn at the National Library of Estonia

On 24-26 January, the National Library of Estonia hosted the world’s largest game development marathon, Global Game Jam, which brought together 120 game development enthusiasts from around the world.

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Library news

Annual reports