North Macedonia

Национална и универзитетска библиотека „Св. Климент Охридски“ / National and University Library “St Clement of Ohrid”

How to find us

Blvd. Gotse Delchev 6, P.O. Box 566, Skopje 1000, Republic North Macedonia


+389 2 3115 177



Mr. Jovica Nikchevski


Petar Mulickovski

Year founded


As an addition to its basic role as a National Library, the Library carries out scientific activities for the state university Sts Cyril and Methodius and several private universities in Skopje. Also, it functions as a central library headquarters and educational centre,  hence having the role of coordinator all the libraries within the territory of the Republic of North Macedonia.

At the same time, it functions as a national bibliographic referral centre, r&d centre for librarianship, information sciences and it has a core role in developing the organisation’s information system on a national level. In addition, it is the centre for restoration and conservation of library materials of the RNM, National centre for ISSN, National Agency for ISBN, International Agency for ISMN, Centre for the international landing of library materials and E-CRIS. In line with the Law for the culture of the Republic North Macedonia, the National and University Library is identified as an institution that works on preservation, digitization and promotion of the national written cultural heritage.


National and University Library St. Clement of Ohrid: A Timeless Tale: 80 Years of Library Memories

This year, the National and University Library St. Clement of Ohrid proudly celebrate the 80th anniversary of the appointment of the first director of the Library, a cornerstone of Macedonia’s cultural and intellectual heritage.

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Library news

Annual reports