6th June 2024

Europe Days 2024 at the National Library of the Republic of Moldova

“30 years of the path of the Republic of Moldova towards the European Union” is the title of the exhibition, inaugurated on May 8th, 2024 at the National Library of the Republic of Moldova, organized on the occasion of celebrating the Europe Days 2024.

In the inauguration event, moderated by the General Director of the National Library of Moldova Elena Pintilei, were participating: the head of the European Union Delegation in Chisinau, Ambassador Jānis Mažeiks, the State Secretary for European Integration, Rodica Crudu, and the State Secretary of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Moldova, Andrei Chistol.

The exhibition, which is open until the end of May 2024, contains publications from the collection of the Pro-European Centre of the NLRM, information and audiovisual materials that reflect the entire path taken by the Republic of Moldova from the first official step towards the European Union (EU-RM Partnership and Cooperation Agreement, 1994) until now, when EU leaders decided to open accession negotiations with the Republic of Moldova.

The exhibition materials are also highlighting the financial and technical assistance provided by the European Union to the Republic of Moldova, presented on panels offered by the European Union Information Center “Europe Café”.

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The exhibition opened a series of events dedicated to “Europe Days 2024 at the National Library of the Republic of Moldova” in the framework of the Europe Day in Moldova with the generic “Freedom peace, Prosperity – Europe is You!”, organized by EU Delegation to the Republic of Moldova together together with the embassies of the EU member states.


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Youtube BNRM  – https://youtu.be/deKwLL_VbOQ?si=WCwhhJJ0kQXGtSnU








Guest speakers and co-organizers links

European Union in the Republic of Moldova https://tinyurl.com/4rn86a2c

Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Moldova https://tinyurl.com/4kk822s5

Bureau for European Integration, Government of the Republic of Moldova  https://gov.md/…/expozitia-30-de-ani-ai-parcursului…

Europe Café  https://tinyurl.com/2p9ndnyz


Links from our partners

Moldpres https://www.moldpres.md/news/2024/05/08/24003384

IPN agenţie de presă https://www.ipn.md/…/construind-poduri-de-cunoastere…

JurnalTV.md https://www.jurnaltv.md/…/expozitie-la-biblioteca…


Among the other events of Europe Days 2024 National Library of the Republic of Moldova were organized:


  • Anniversary exhibition “Council of Europe: 75 years of consolidation of the European space (1949-2024), (May 5 – June 5, 2024). The exhibition contains publications about the history, objectives, achievements and challenges of the Council of Europe (CoE), as well as reflects the cooperation of the Republic of Moldova, a member state of the CoE since 1995, within the Cooperation Programs and monitoring mechanisms.

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  • Exhibition “Europe in the vision of Bessarabian painters” (May 20 – July 30, 2024)

The exhibition includes about 70 albums, leaflets, posters, etc. from the collections of the National Library of the Republic of Moldova about the evolution of Bessarabian painting in European context, about Bessarabian plastic artists from the beginning of the 20th century until today who were trained in art schools in Europe and established themselves as professionals in Europe, but also albums with images that represent Europe in the vision of the painters

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Exhibitions organized by the Embassies of the member states of the European Union

  • “Franz Kafka in Prague”, organized by the Embassy of Austria, the Embassy of the Czech Republic in the Republic of Moldova and the Jewish community from the Republic of Moldova (May 21, 2024).

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  • “The anti-war writings: Ingeborg Bachmann, 1926-1973”, offered by the Embassy of Austria in the Republic of Moldova, on the occasion of the National Day of Austria (May 25, 2024).

There were also organized lessons and workshops for German language teachers from Chisinau and Balti on the themes of Ingeborg Bachmann’s creation, as well as the exhibition of documents – the writer’s works from the National Library of the Republic of Moldova collection.

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Events for the library community

  • Online public conference “The benefits of the accession of the Republic of Moldova to the European Union”, in partnership with the European Institute of Political Studies in Moldova (May 8, 2024).
  • Public discussion “European integration of the Republic of Moldova: economic and social implications and opportunities” in collaboration with the European Institute of Political Studies of Moldova, Institute for European Policies and Reformsand the Independent Analytical Center “Expert-Group”(May 17, 2024).

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  • The online conference “EU-Moldova dynamics in facts and figures” organized in partnership with the EU Delegation to the Republic of Moldova (May 22, 2024).

The purpose of this event  wast debating and promoting relations between the European Union (EU) and  the Republic of Moldova from the perspective of the involvement of libraries, highlighting the role of libraries inproviding  supporting information and promoting European values in the society.

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  • The annual regional conferences with the generic theme “The involvement of the libraries in supporting and achieving the national development strategy “European Moldova 2030” in partnership with the National Children’s Library “Ion Creanga” (May 28 – June 6, 2024).

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Workshops and educational-informational sessions (May 14 – 31, 2024)

  • “European Moldova: The accession process of the Republic of Mol to the EU in a way that everyone can understand”, organized by the Pro-European Centre of the NLRM in partnership with the Institute for European Policies and Reforms (for high school students)
  • “Europe for young people – Europe for you”, organized by the Pro-European Centre of the NLRM in partnership with the “Young European Ambassadors” Program (for students)

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  • Calligraphy workshop

It was organized by the section of Arts and Maps of the NLRM partnership with Valeriu Herța, painter and president of the Ex Libris section of the Scientific Bibliophile and Ex libris Society “Paul Mihail” from Moldova. The purpose of the workshop was to study the achievements of calligraphic art of other nations.

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All the events organized in the framework of „Europe Days 2024 at the National Library„ raised awareness among the citizens of the Republic of Moldova regarding the process of European integration and the benefits of accession to the European Union.

See also



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