Project Aims
To increase the number of participants and socially distant beneficiaries in the activities carried out in the library and ensuring the distribution of information in a proper, direct and sustainable way for different categories of beneficiaries and librarians in the National Library System.
Project objectives
To ensure socially distant beneficiaries with access to direct and sustainable information; increasing the number of participants in library events.
The delivery process of some equipment lasted 4 months and 2 weeks. The staff training lasted a week. One reason for the change in terms was the pandemic crisis in the country at the end of 2020 year and the beginning of 2021 year, which made it difficult to deliver the equipment.
Information technologies and those of creating video content every day are very important and necessary for all types of users. During the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as during the social distance, the making of videos and / or live-broadcasts of some events of the institution became useful and often requested by our users.
The equipment was purchased: Blackmagic Design Web Presenter HD, Logitech MeetUp Video Conference Camera, Sennheiser XSW-D VOCAL SET – wireless microphone system.
By using the digital and live transmission technologies purchased, we ensure:
– Online access to the activities offered by the library for different types of beneficiaries;
– Continuous professional training of librarians from the entire National Library System of the Republic of Moldova through educational platforms and videoconferencing;
– Creation of digital content (both for users and beneficiaries) that is stored in the library archive, placed on the YouTube account of BNRM and social networks;
– Support for the promotion of library services and products, especially for the creation of audio and video materials.
Outcomes of the project
To ensure the distribution of information directly and sustainably for different categories of beneficiaries and librarians in the National Library System (for 4,911 librarians)
Web links
Salonul muzical „Cavalerul armoniilor. Gheorghe Mustea la ceas aniversar – 70”, BNRM, 19.05.2021â
Salonul Cultur@Art. Serata de creație „Acad. Vasile Căpățână la 75 de ani”, BNRM, 21 mai 2021
Salonul Cultur@Art. Lansare de carte „Parisul cu gust de caramela”, autor Olga Căpățână, 29 mai 2021
Expoziția-eveniment „Nicolae Iorga – «sămănătorul» de adevăr istoric”, BNRM, 04 iunie 2021
Evenimentul cultural „Sunt un om fericit”: Lansarea colecției de publicistică de N. Dabija la BNRM, 11 iunie 2021
Clubul Literar „Homo Aestheticus” – Lansare de carte: „Actorul anonim”, autor Aurelian Silvestru, 17 iunie 2021
Expoziția „Cultura românească medievală scrisă”, Muzeul cărții, BNRM, 15 iunie – 31 august 2021
Simpozionul științific internațional „𝐕𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐫𝐢 𝐁𝐢𝐛𝐥𝐢𝐨𝐟𝐢𝐥𝐞”, ediția XXX-a, BNRM, 15 iunie 2021
Expoziția de carte bibliofilă din colecții particulare „Ș-acel rege al-poeziei”, BNRM, 16.06.2021
Simpozionul științific internațional „𝐕𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐫𝐢 𝐁𝐢𝐛𝐥𝐢𝐨𝐟𝐢𝐥𝐞”, ediția XXX-a, BNRM, 16 iunie 2021
Lansarea cărții-muzeu „Profesorul Ștefan Sevastian Bulat. In memoriam”, de Eugenia Bulat, 14.07.2021
Expoziția-eveniment „REPUBLICA MOLDOVA – 30 DE ANI DE INDEPENDENȚĂ”, BNRM, 25 august 2021
Dezvelirea plăcii memoriale „Scrisoarea celor 66”, 17 septembrie 2021