The aims and objective of the project:
The aim of the new user information and communication system is to improve informing the users about the Library and its activities with particular emphasis on information related to special operating rules and requirements due to COVID-19 pandemic. This specifically pertains to improving the quality and streamlining information the users most often search for in addition to general Library information (epidemiological measures, number of free seats, working hours, rules of conduct, etc.).
Key dates and milestones:
The implementation of the new user information and communication system was planned according to the following dynamics:
Given the earthquakes that hit Croatia at the end of 2020, we were forced to extend the planned dates. For this reason, we started implementation in January 2021 with equipment testing from February to March and evaluation until end of May 2021.
Equipment purchased:
With the funds the Library purchased two big screens with the corresponding license to use them. We mounted the screens to the glass surfaces of the entrance so that users did not need to enter the Library for information on working hours, the number of users who may be in the building, events, current epidemiological measures, etc.
Furthermore, we procured and set up special frames for notices through which we communicated information on the prevention of the spread of COVID-19 and epidemiological measures. We achieved that by installing two floor displays in lifts and 40 more frames (A3 format) at the entrances to reading rooms as well as at the very entrance to the building. In this way we covered all the approaches to the reading rooms and the gathering places for large number of our users.
The outcomes of the project: