The International Conference “The reading as a basis for culture, knowledge and development”, October 2nd, 2024, Republic of Moldova

The National Library of the Republic of Moldova has the pleasure to invite you to take part in the 6th edition of the International Conference “The reading as a basis for culture, knowledge and development”. The conference aims to build up a feasible platform for the exchange of ideas and resources and draw a connection between the participants who share the similar research goals.

Palace of the Commonwealth open to visitors

Tuesday, May 21st saw the grand opening of the Palace of the Republic. The palace, one of the most beautiful in Warsaw, is now open to the public for the first time in its long history, stretching back to the seventeenth century. The grand opening was marked with a gala concert, which included a specially composed piece of music by Tadeusz Woźniak entitled Słowo (The Word), directed by Krzysztof Materna.