13th September 2019

Juliusz Słowacki’s poem found

… can I return, though but to die

Unto my native soil …

Byron, The Prophecy of Dante

The antique album purchased for the collection of the National Library in the Paris antique shop contains a priceless manuscript of the poem by Juliusz Słowacki in French, Le Cimetière du Père la Chaise .

The piece, designed for Kora Pinard, the daughter of a French printer, with whom Wieszcz printed his works, is the first complete version of the poem known only to date in the fragment.

The album itself, the diary album – a gift from Słowacki for a friend also presents incredible value. Miss Pinard collected in it the entries of artistic bohemia of Paris. This tasteful nineteenth-century memorial is a richly decorated book in a dark purple, Safian setting. Of the 52 cards with gold edges, 25 are saved. The album contains 23 entries: 16 literary works (or letters), 5 drawings and watercolors, and 2 musical works (fragments). Both the entire document, i.e. the album album, and Słowacki’s poem itself and the fact of its inclusion in the album are confirmed by the poet’s correspondence, in letters to his mother from 1832. This correspondence also indicates that the album’s donor (as an unsaved elegant volume) was Słowacki himself.

For a further read, here.

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