2nd May 2024

The manuscript of ‘Mort à crédit’, Céline’s other masterpiece, enters the collections of the BnF

The manuscript, left by Céline in his Paris flat when he fled to Germany in June 1944 and collected by Yvon Morandat, Compagnon de la Libération, is part of the set of Céline’s manuscripts whose existence was made public by Jean-Pierre Thibaudat in 2021 and which was then returned to the heirs of Lucette Destouches, Céline’s widow, François Gibault and Véronique Chovin. It joined the collections of the Bibliothèque nationale de France through a dation in payment of inheritance tax.

Image: Manuscript of ‘Mort à crédit’ by Louis-Ferdinand Céline © Guillaume Murat / BnF


More information

Press release (in French): https://www.bnf.fr/sites/default/files/2024-04/CP_Mort_a_credit_Celine.pdf


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