The 49th International ABDOS Conference, themed
“Think, Write, Print, Read – Libraries serving a New Enlightenment”,
will take place as a joint event with the National Library of Latvia in Riga from 23th to 25th May 2022.
The organizers request proposals for short (10 minutes) or long (20 minutes) presentations on the following topics:
The conference will also include a workshop on e-books, the ABDOS General Assembly and an opening ceremony with a renowned key-note speaker.
As the conference will probably be the first opportunity to meet colleagues in person after a long Covid-break we will put special emphasis on meetings in small groups with the various departments of the LNL, giving participants the opportunity for conversation and exchange with colleagues around similar interests and tasks.
The program will also include an informal get-together in the evening of the 22nd of May 2022 and a day-long excursion to Kuldīga on the 26th of May 2022.
The official conference languages will be German, English and Russian. Since no simultaneous interpretation will be offered, however, we invite speakers to speak in English, if possible.
Conference fees:
80 EUR for ABDOS members
120 EUR for non-members and
500 EUR for our commercial partners.
This will include on-site catering.
You are cordially invited to enter your proposals for presentations (including abstracts of up to 500 characters) electronically through or by mail to (deadline: February 28, 2022), who will also be happy to answer questions regarding the conference.